Graveside Leather Wrx was born out of a desire to find leather items we simply couldn't find in stores. Graveside has always enjoyed the creative things in life and has a strong appreciation for an artist who takes to the hammer and makes what they see in their minds become a reality. This is what we strive to do--create items that you can't find anywhere else but have seen in your mind’s vision.
Graveside Leather Wrx loves exploring the medium of leather in every way. We play with different forms, dye techniques, stitching, etc. Graveside is not a boilerplate production leather operation and each piece is unique. Some may be similar in size, shape, and color but they are never an exact match and always uniquely their own. We enjoy playing with some of the same themes and decorative techniques, so it is possible that you'll see some similar items in Graveside's shop. Whether you are riding a horse across an open range or getting in the mosh pit of your favorite heavy metal band, Graveside has something for you.